We are happy to announce the arrival of Baby A on Feb 16th at 9:40am via c-section.  Baby A was 2.7kg and 48cm.

We are totally in love with our latest arrival.  It’s been a tough 2 weeks as we’re completely sleep deprived but it is getting easier (whether because of experience or because we can’t think straight at all).  The c-section wound has almost healed entirely (in less than 2 weeks) and the procedure was a lot better (and less scary) than I’ve expected.

I will post the birth story and our experiences so far when I get more time.

38 week update (last update)

February 15, 2011

How Far Along: 38 weeks

How big is our little bean: size of a leek.  The baby was estimated at 2.7kg on monday

Total Weight Gain: +12kg and been stable for the last 10 weeks.

Maternity Clothes: Same old and looks like I’ll be staying in some of them for a few more months.

Sleep: I’m not sleeping as well. Same finger joint pain and now many trips to the bathroom.  Last few nights been more difficult due to anxiety of the impending arrival.

Other Symptoms: some minor pain down there (not sure if it is pre labor symptoms).  General tiredness (could be sleep related).

Best Moment this Week: Getting ready for her arrival tomorrow.  Initially I was quite shocked that it was so soon but now having gotten over the fear, I’m glad that it is sooner rather than later given that my amniotic fluid reduced quite a bit and is at 6 (anything under 5 means an immediate delivery is required).  Tomorrow this time, we’ll have an outside baby. 

Movement: Frequently.  Instead of kicks and punches, the movements are now rolling feelings – which makes sense given she has almost no room in the uterus.  It was hilarious when I went for a monitoring early today.  The monitor uses a puck like disk on my belly to measure the little one’s heartbeat.  She hated it and was kicking and trying to move it off her. 

Food Cravings: not really. only wondering when I can stop monitoring my blood sugar although in the back of my mind, I’ll need to always count my carbs to reduce my risk of type 2 diabetes.

What Are You Looking Forward to this Week: to finally meet the little one.  C-section scheduled for tomorrow morning.  I hope she’ll be healthy and everything will be ok with the little one.

Eviction notice

February 14, 2011

Looks like the eviction notice will be served either Feb 16th, 17th, or 18th. (depending when we can confirm an operating theatre)

Our little one is still breeched and after a detailed scan today, my amniotic fluid has declined quite a bit since Friday, from 12 to 6.  The Dr recommends that we go ahead with the c-section as the amniotic fluid is rapidly declining and once it hits below 5, the baby has to come out right away.  We have at most half a week.

Of course, in true last minute style, we’ll see Dr. N only tomorrow afternoon where he’ll make the final determination but we really doubt anything will change.

To be honest, I was hoping that we can push off the eviction till early next week.  Part of it is for my own selfish reasons — a few more days to get things (and myself) ready but in the end, I think we are more than happy to do what is best for the baby’s health.  We’ve started our last minute preps today (such as making the crib, packing the baby’s bag for the hospital, removing the tags from the baby carseat, etc.) since the baby will be here in by Friday latest.  Wow. 

It’s slowly sinking in that tomorrow could be our last day as a family of 2 and we’ll grow by 50% to a family of 3 as soon as the day after tomorrow.

Full Term! 37 week update

February 9, 2011

How Far Along: 37 weeks (we hit full term!) 

How big is our little bean: size of a swiss chard (around 2.8kg)

Total Weight Gain: Don’t think I’m putting on more weight. My belly is around the same size and I could have sworn that there were certain days where I thought my belly shrank?  Paranoid me of course would go find a measuring tape to see if I’m still measuring around 39″ to ease the paranoia

Maternity Clothes: Done with work clothes.  Didn’t end up using the tents since I’m not carrying big (although it’s not obvious from my weight gain). 

Sleep: Still not sleeping as well.  Serious joint pains in my middle fingers (how convenient) and starting to get up for toilet trips once a night (so far, have managed to stay in bed till the morning).  The trouble is that by the time I roll around to my right side to get off the bed, I’m asleep again. 

Other Symptoms: Clumsiness is setting in.  I manage to bump my bump walking out of a room in the house yesterday and breaking a glass today.  I’m starting to feel tired and have started cutting down on activities.  I’m so glad I’ve started my maternity leave a week ago.  I can’t imagine having to go to work all day at this point.

Best Moment this Week: Making it to full term and pass chinese new year (we definitely have a bunny in the oven).  Also, getting the baby room all organized — by doing laundry for the little one.  It’s quite nice to finally start the finishing touches to the baby room so everything is all set for her arrival because she could be here as soon as next wed (exactly 1 week from today) and home by the weekend.

Movement: Still active as ever.  I often feel a big knot above my belly button and it feels like she’s protruding her head to see what is going on outside.  I think she has shifted her position because the punches/kicks/hiccups are happening in different places but it doesn’t feel like she’s turned.  We’re still hoping she’ll move by Friday so she doesn’t get her eviction notice on the 16th.

Food Cravings: Not really.  Made sugar-free jello but the artificial sweetener tasted funny so I will have to reconsider my choice in dessert.

What Are You Looking Forward to this Week: Fri — when we will go our first CTG (think they monitor the little one where you hear the heartbeat and track her movements.  We’ll also get to see her and we’re hoping she’ll turn.  I’m still trying to ease my fear of a c-section but I think the acceptance is slowly happening.  We’ll always go with the Dr’s recommendation because it wasn’t an easy journey to get here and we just want what is best for the little one.

36 week update

February 1, 2011

How Far Along: 36 weeks 

How big is our little bean: size of a cranshaw melon – whatever that is  (around 2.6kg)

Total Weight Gain: My weight gain has stabilized.  I’m at +12.5kg (200g increase since 3 weeks ago).  I think it must be due to counting carbs and eliminating all sugar (although I’ve cheated with some chocolate and ice-cream).  I’m happy to stay flat as long as the little one is packing on the weight that she needs.

Maternity Clothes: Same old.  Looking forward to tomorrow when I’m done with work shirts. 

Sleep: I’m not sleeping as well.  I wake up with joint pain in my knuckles in both hands due to some serious water retention/swelling.  On top of that, I’ve become a light sleeper.  If I hear any sound in the house early in the morning, I wake up and have a hard time falling asleep right away again.  I’m finding this new habit rather annoying but I think it could be part of the training for the new arrival?

Other Symptoms: Itchy skin rashes that is not going away.  Just got a referral so will be getting the rashes checked out. 

Best Moment this Week: Seeing the little one.  She gain close to 700g in 3 weeks – putting her at 41% for her estimated weight at 2.4kg.  My fluid level is good as well.  Everything looked good we feel more at ease that the suspected growth restriction is not an issue for now.  Of course, my favorite part is that her weight estimate has a huge margin of error — something like +/- 500g.

Movement: All the time and this young lady was having one serious party last night.  The movement is suppose to slow down as there is less space inside but the little one surprises me every so often.  I’m also becoming more conscious checking to make sure there is at least a movement every 4 hours since it is rare for babies to sleep for longer stretches than that.  If there hasn’t been a movement in a while, I’ll poke her until I get a response.  Yes, I’m terrible, disturbing the little one.

Food Cravings: not really.  DH has been bad sharing his ice-cream and chocolate with me.  I actually don’t really crave dessert.  Just had a super high sugar reading for breakfast and am wondering if I am entering the phase where the sugar level becomes harder to control near the end of pregnancy.  I hope it was a fluke and the rest of the reading today will be ok.  Else I’ll push more protein and keep cutting down on the carbs.

What Are You Looking Forward to this Week: Wed night — when we ring in chinese new year so we’ll have a bun-ny in the oven for sure.  Also, we’re hoping that she’ll turn. 

She’s still holding on to the breech position — head up high.  DH theorizes that she’s trying to turn with all her movements which I think is possible.  Our Dr would only deliver breech babies via c-section so our scheduled date is 16th Feb — 2 weeks away (eek!).  He wouldn’t let us schedule it any later so we are likely to meet the little one earlier than planned (I was hoping end Feb).

35 week update

January 25, 2011

How Far Along: 35 weeks  (eek!  5 weeks to go)

How big is our little bean: size of a honeydew melon (around 2.4kg)

Total Weight Gain: I don’t think I’m putting on any weight thanks to my GD diet plan.  I’m a bit worried since so many people, stranger or not, tell me how small I am carrying — even though in terms of weight gain, I’m in range of the 10-15 kg that is advised for a full term baby (and I’m still weeks away and at +12kg).  Maybe I carry a compact baby/belly? 

Maternity Clothes: Closet reshuffled.  Can’t wait to put away the work shirts since I’ll be done with work in 2 weeks or so.  Yay! 

Sleep: Feeling super tired.   I’m finding it harder to sleep comfortably.  It’s usually caused by how hot I feel while my poor husband is shivering next to me.  When I do sleep well, I have lots of strange dreams that are just bizarre.

Other Symptoms: Super dry lips still and now, itchy skin rashes on my hands, left arm, belly, and left boob.  I went to the GP and she claims it is caused by allergies — although the way it is in patches and spreading doesn’t really look like allergies to me thanks to my history of sensitive skin.  I need to go back to get a referral for a dermatologist. 

Best Moment this Week: Making it to 35 weeks.  All the books I’ve read suggests that 35 weeks is a good milestone for premies that are not really premies.  Most body parts are maturing so if the baby comes early, she’ll have less complications once she crosses this mark.

Movement: All the time still but there was noticeable difference this week.  She has quiet down somewhat when I’m in the living room as if she’s observing who is in the house.  My inlaws (the noisier half of our family) have arrived and I think the little one is trying to figure out why there are more people around us.  She still responds to DH’s voice just before bed and moves and pokes really hard just for him. 

Food Cravings: hoping to be done with GD post pregnancy.  There are a few indulgances I have and I am looking forward to having lots of figs (which is extremely high in sugar content) this summer.  I am managing with my meals and carb counts but feel that I need to push more protein (notice I didn’t say crave).

What Are You Looking Forward to this Week: 2 more days till we see the little one.   We hope she has grown and also hope that she’s not stubbornly holding on to the upright position (ie. breech)

34 week update

January 18, 2011

How Far Along: 34 weeks

How big is our little bean: size of a canteloupe (around 2.1kg)

Total Weight Gain: My belly is definitely growing — so not sure what that translate to in terms of weight gain. 

Maternity Clothes: Several work shirts are officially too tight.  Time to revamp the closet – yet again.

Sleep: Feeling super tired.  Still lots of vivid dreams and I definitely wake-up knowing a leg cramp is on its way.  It’s a bit strange to pre-empt something.

Other Symptoms: Super dry lips.  Not sure if it is allergies or what but it’s becoming annoying.  Felt this immense urge to get things organized and generally the need to do stuff rather than laze around. 

Best Moment this Week: Baby room is ready — furnitures assembled, all the big items are in.  I love the crib and stroller we’ve picked out and like just going to the baby room to look at all the stuff.  We are almost ready and only need to (1) buy diapers, (2) wash the baby clothes, sheets, towels (want to do it closer to date), and (3) bring home the baby!  Quite exciting.

Movement: All the time.  She likes to poke around on my right side  with the exception of poking on the left side for a min yesterday.  Love the movements.

Food Cravings:  indulged this past weekend and had pizza and chocolate shouffle (shared) as a treat.  DH is not so helpful sometimes but yum!   It was so nice to eat normally for a meal (ie. not think too hard about the carb).  My glucose tested a bit high (as expected) but still within the range.

What Are You Looking Forward to this Week: Another big milestone  (34 weeks!).  Counting down the weeks till we meet the little one.  Next ultrasound in a week + 2 days (fingers crossed that everything looks good) and about to start my maternity leave in 2 weeks time.  The arrival is becoming more and more real!

33 week update

January 11, 2011

How Far Along: 33 weeks

How big is our little bean: size of a pineapple (finally – something I can identify with)

Total Weight Gain: Still around the same, +12kg total weight gain to date

Maternity Clothes: Still in this in between stage although maternity pants are getting uncomfortable.

Sleep: Feeling tired all the time.  Had some bizarre dreams and it’s taking me longer to fall asleep because the little one looooooves to party when it’s my bed time.

Other Symptoms: Dry lips, dry skin, and feeling really thirsty all the time.  Not sure it’s pregnancy related but I can drink and drink water and still feel thirsty.

Best Moment this Week: Feeling her bump around all the time.  She’s so strong and last night she put on quite a show for us.  We could see her head bumping and body moving.  Also, DH and his pals painted the baby room, moved and built furniture this past weekend.  I am looking forward to nesting –> decorating the baby room and receiving the last shipment of stuff — the crib and stroller!

Movement: All the time.  She likes to poke around on my right side (almost never on the left side).  She gets super active around my bedtime (11:30pm or so). 

Food Cravings: This week has been easier on the food front.  No real cravings.

What Are You Looking Forward to this Week: Counting down the weeks.  We are so excited about the little one and can’t wait to meet her.  We see her again at the end of the month at 35 weeks and +/-3 days.

32 week update

January 5, 2011

How Far Along: 32weeks

How big is our little bean: size of a large jicama (not sure what that is).  Around 42cm.  Estimated at 1.7kg.

Total Weight Gain: I’ve hardly gain any weight in the last 3 weeks (0 kg according to one scale and 1kg according to another scale).  I think the difference is due to cutting out all sugar (including honey, jam, drinks), juice, dessert, etc. out of my diet.  I only drink water, milk, and no sugar high calcium soy milk.  Quite boring.

Maternity Clothes: I’m in this funny in between stage of real maternity clothes and larger than usual clothes (esp work shirts).  I’m swimming in the real maternity shirts while I’m busting out of the larger than usual shirts.  Should I go tight to emphasize the bump or go super loose?

Sleep:  I’m feeling really tired and can’t seem to sleep as well these days.  Not sure if it is the “preparation” phase that books talk about — getting the body ready for the sleep deprived state it’ll be in soon. 

Other Symptoms: I noticed a lot of Braxton Hicks last few weeks but it seems to have slowed down (or I’ve stopped noticing) in the past week.  I’m starting to feel tired walking around – not sure if the weight part is catching up or the lungs geting squished.

Best Moment this Week: Seeing the little one and her measurements were better than last time — estimated weight at 20th percentile.  What a relief!  Her head is measuring a bit ahead, her abdomen is on target, and her femur is slightly short.  I’m going to keep eating more protein and less carbs to see if this is going to help her grow more. 

2nd best moment this week: DH hearing her heartbeat.  He was listening at the bump and said that he could hear/feel her heartbeat.  It was definitely not mine since it was a lot faster.  I have to admit that I’m a bit envious since I can’t reach my own belly to hear her.

Movement: Still lots of activity.  We thought she was hiccuping a few times really low but it seems that she is still in the breech position so there must have been some really rhythmic kicks going on.  A few nights ago, my DH was communicating with her and he tapped my belly and she would respond to him.  This went on back and forth a few rounds.  It’s making everything that much more real.

Food Cravings: strawberry shortcake and a big cold glass of fresh squeezed orange juice — only because I can’t have them.   Pizza would be nice too but too bad it’s super high in carbs. 

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Every week is one week more for her to grow stronger. We’re hoping she is healthy and will keep growing.

Antenatal Class #5

January 3, 2011

The last and final class.  This class was focused on how a baby would behave and how to take care of the postpartum mother.  The key highlights:

  • The instructor is a big advocate of dividing and conquering.  The mom’s only responsibility is to breastfeed, sleep and eat (the latter to produce more milk) and dad takes care of everything else including but not limited to burping, changing diapers, soothing, putting baby back to sleep, and everything else under the sun.  somehow I feel sorry for the dad because dad usually will have to go back to work after the first week.
  • don’t take the baby out for a car ride at 3am — this is somewhat logical since being a sleepy/tired driver is never a good idea
  • there would be plenty of bleeding after delivery but if there is any stitching down there, it’s better to use maternity pads that is breatheable (ie. no plastic backing).  I’m not sure if this exist and it doesn’t sound very leak proof to me. 
  • If there was any stitching or general discomfort, take the thicker maternity pads and freeze them with some sprinkles of water — it’s makes a good ice pad.
  • It’s ok to bathe a baby from day one.  No need to worry about umbilical stumps.

I can’t exactly remember the rest of the class since it was just ok.  Overall, I think we’ve learnt a few things but most of the information was reaffirming things we already knew.  It was more of a good chance to ask questions we always had — but the answers we get are sometimes a bit strange or answered in a manner we plainly disagree (not like we know any better but 26C temperature seems to hot for a baby).

Anyhow, what made the session truely worthwhile for us was the maternity ward tour at the end of the session.  There was only 2 couples on the tour and we basically got a personal tour of the delivery room (good to know that there isn’t a  standing shower), NICU (where we saw a tiny tiny baby), maternity ward double room renovated, maternity ward fancy single suite renovated, and maternity ward single room – not yet renovated.  

It was helpful for us to narrow down the type of room we wanted since we knew our dealbreaker: if DH can stay with me or not for the days while we are in the hopital.  Only single rooms allow lodgers.  For us,  it feels so important to have the opportunity to bond with and marvel at our little one and I just can’t imagine not doing this together as our new expanded family.  Typical hospital stay here is 2 days for vaginal delivery and 3 days for c-sections.

Now we just need to get our act together and pre-register so we don’t be bogged down by paperwork on labor day.  Counting down the days (less than 60) and wondering when we need to pack our hospital bags.