36 week update

February 1, 2011

How Far Along: 36 weeks 

How big is our little bean: size of a cranshaw melon – whatever that is  (around 2.6kg)

Total Weight Gain: My weight gain has stabilized.  I’m at +12.5kg (200g increase since 3 weeks ago).  I think it must be due to counting carbs and eliminating all sugar (although I’ve cheated with some chocolate and ice-cream).  I’m happy to stay flat as long as the little one is packing on the weight that she needs.

Maternity Clothes: Same old.  Looking forward to tomorrow when I’m done with work shirts. 

Sleep: I’m not sleeping as well.  I wake up with joint pain in my knuckles in both hands due to some serious water retention/swelling.  On top of that, I’ve become a light sleeper.  If I hear any sound in the house early in the morning, I wake up and have a hard time falling asleep right away again.  I’m finding this new habit rather annoying but I think it could be part of the training for the new arrival?

Other Symptoms: Itchy skin rashes that is not going away.  Just got a referral so will be getting the rashes checked out. 

Best Moment this Week: Seeing the little one.  She gain close to 700g in 3 weeks – putting her at 41% for her estimated weight at 2.4kg.  My fluid level is good as well.  Everything looked good we feel more at ease that the suspected growth restriction is not an issue for now.  Of course, my favorite part is that her weight estimate has a huge margin of error — something like +/- 500g.

Movement: All the time and this young lady was having one serious party last night.  The movement is suppose to slow down as there is less space inside but the little one surprises me every so often.  I’m also becoming more conscious checking to make sure there is at least a movement every 4 hours since it is rare for babies to sleep for longer stretches than that.  If there hasn’t been a movement in a while, I’ll poke her until I get a response.  Yes, I’m terrible, disturbing the little one.

Food Cravings: not really.  DH has been bad sharing his ice-cream and chocolate with me.  I actually don’t really crave dessert.  Just had a super high sugar reading for breakfast and am wondering if I am entering the phase where the sugar level becomes harder to control near the end of pregnancy.  I hope it was a fluke and the rest of the reading today will be ok.  Else I’ll push more protein and keep cutting down on the carbs.

What Are You Looking Forward to this Week: Wed night — when we ring in chinese new year so we’ll have a bun-ny in the oven for sure.  Also, we’re hoping that she’ll turn. 

She’s still holding on to the breech position — head up high.  DH theorizes that she’s trying to turn with all her movements which I think is possible.  Our Dr would only deliver breech babies via c-section so our scheduled date is 16th Feb — 2 weeks away (eek!).  He wouldn’t let us schedule it any later so we are likely to meet the little one earlier than planned (I was hoping end Feb).

One Response to “36 week update”

  1. tasivfer Says:

    WOW – 2 weeks away!

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